We don't do this often, but when we do, it's a hit. Live Maryland Blue Crabs arrive Thursday, July 2 at Joe's!

They are Jimmy's (males) and sized #2, blue crabmeaning there are about eight dozen per bushel. We have two bushels arriving at Joe's. Like any live shipped product, some crabs die in shipment. We will divide the dead crabs among buyers as these “stills” should be good for cooking on Thursday or Friday. If you find that any stills in your order are not acceptable upon cooking, then we will refund your cost of purchase.

If you want to serve crabs on Saturday or Sunday we highly recommend you steam them on Thursday or Friday and serve them on the weekend! Live Blue Crabs are not only delicious, but they are quite the adventure in cooking and can be learning experience for all involved.

TO RESERVE YOUR CRABS PLEASE CALL 317-846-8877, minimum order is six live crabs at $2 each, wow!